Ratcliffe on Soar

Mike invited me to Ratcliffe, which is the location of a pretty large coal power station that has gone out of commission, and right next to in is an old marina along the Trent river, so you can get some pretty interesting photos with the cooling towers in the background.

Having just acquired the MP, I was excited to put the first roll of film through it, and that just happened to be my last roll of the discontinued Fuji C200.

This roll of c200 is the last of 3 twin packs I found quite unusually a few years ago in the discount section in Tesco’s, I hadn’t ever noticed film in there before, but I guess they had decided to no longer sell any, and I picked the last ones up. For a few years they sat in my fridge until Fuji discontinued it, and I finally decided to use them. Im quite sad that I hadn’t tried it previously, because I do really love how this film looks, it has a slight magenta casT to it, and can really look quite beautiful in landscapes. Shame on Fuji for killing it off…

This marina is a rather interesting place, the big field in the back seems to have a few boats in various stages of repair, but for many of them it looks to be a dumping ground, nature claiming them back, and absorbing them back into the landscape.

I think this location would be quite interesting to visit through the different seasons, i’ve seen photos of it in early summer when all the grass is short and vibrant which looks quite pretty, and id certainly like to come back if we have any snowfall! The power station however certainly won’t be there forever, I live near Cottam and West Burton power station and both of those have started to be demolished, the towers are usually the last thing to go, but it would be nice to get some photographs before they are gone forever.

All in all the MP worked a treat, it feels nice and crisp, and it’s good to have a meter. Looking by the photographs it functions as it should! can’t wait to put some more film through it!


Leica M4 to MP?